Aanii, Yáu, Hello!
Aanii, Yáu, Hello!
My name is Shonta Kishiqweb. This is a website I created for my art as a shop and online portfolio. There is shirts, dresses, stickers, and personally designed clothing available in the shop. Check out my gallery to see personal or featured projects I have participated in. Contact information is available as well, and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.
Miigwetch, ǧiáxsix̌a, Thank you!
Haíɫzaqv Wuikinuxv-Saulteaux Anishinaabekwe owned Business.
Supporting decolonial.bimbo is supporting an indigenous woman owned business. 11% of proceeds of the “hḷúlu - butterfly” is given back to an indigenous elder in Vancouver, DTES for their collaboration in it.

aabidek ka wiindimaadiz
you have to tell yourself
menjigwa iidik epiichi znagak
no matter how hard it is
maage geni piichi znagdagwenh
or how hard it will be
nga zhaabshkaan gawk
I'm going to make it through