Translink- Truth and Reconciliation Day Train Wrap
revealed on September 23, 2024
In Honour of National Truth and Reconciliation Day, Shonta Kishiqweb partnered with Translink for their first ever Skytrain Vehicle Wrap design. In the past, TransLink has partnered with artists to create art for buses — including a SeaBus vessel, the Burrard Chinook — and at stations, but never before on a SkyTrain car. Shonta shares her grandfathers experience of escaping Residential School and her ideas about community.
David “Bimbo” Martin Memorial Piece
Created June 2022, Colourized April 2024
Memorial piece in honour of David “Bimbo” Martin, Shonta’s grandfather. This was created in the days coming up to David’s funeral in Bella Bella. In its original black and white design, this art piece was featured on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network for National Indigenous History Month in 2023.
Zachary Mac Nathaniel Trimble Memorial Piece
Created March 2023
Memorial piece in honour of Zachary Mac Nathaniel Trimble. (12/3/1998- 6/5/2022) Zachary hails from Tsimshian and Nisga’a Nations. Zachary was working hard to live a good life, and in a good way, he was there for his girlfriend and her son.
Forever 23, young ancestor.
This piece featured on Aboriginal People’s Television Network on May 10, 2023 for “Indigenous artists and their work put InFocus”. Click the link and skip to 16;20 to see Shonta’s feature.
Darius James Rex Smallboy “Kimowan Piyesis” Memorial Piece
Created November 2023
Memorial piece in honour of Darius James Rex Smallboy “Kimowan Piyesis”. Darius hails from Ermineskin Cree Nation. Darius was loved by many, and he was not only accepting of people but caring. His father Rex Smallboy, was a “founding father” to indigenous rap with his group War Party. Darius travelled to Japan with his fathers group, and he took onto Rex’s artistic abilities becoming an established artist himself. Darius features in “I’m not your Hollywood Indian”, “Night Skies and Growing Pains” on Rex Smallboy’s SoundCloud. Darius had posted his music on his own SoundCloud as well. In his passing, Darius garnered vast attention towards the Missing and Murdered Indigenous crisis, the Opioid Crisis and the treatment of our indigenous peoples who experience Intergenerational Trauma.
“Gizaagi’in” Wedding/ Memorial Portrait
Created October 2021, Colourized January 2024
This piece features Kasha Askin’s wedding Blanket Ceremony with Anthony Askin, as well portrait of late Deborah Brown and Lillian Kishiqweb. Kasha created the crest as a homage to the Great Lakes, The Rolling Storms there, and being an Anishinaabekwe on the West Coast. The star blanket design is a reference to the beautiful star blankets Kasha Askin creates. The Lillies, Lavender, Clouds, and Rainbow hold great significance to our late loved ones.
Haíɫzaqv ‘Prey’ (2022) Fan Art Collaboration.
Created September 2022, Colourized February 2024
Apart of Shonta’s personal collection is a fan art collaboration with her uncle Ravenspirit Dwyer White. Raven had created the axe design, it reminded Shonta of the movie “Prey” (2022) in the Predator Series so she created this Haíɫzaqv fan art version of it. The backgrounds are Gvakva'aus Haíɫzaqv- House of the Haíɫzaqv and of a Smoke House with Salmon hanging.
“You think I’m not a hunter like you, that’s what makes me a threat.”- Naru in Prey (2022)
Vines Art Festival “Resilient Roots- Our Bodies a Shoreline” -
“Bimbo” Vinyl Installation“
Presented August 2022
“Art-led land justice. Resilient Roots intention is to support grassroots activists/artists to create a work in relation to all that you give on the front lines and bring those stories and creations to the public.” This installation was presented at an event called “Resilient Roots- Our Bodies a Shoreline” by Vines Art Festival. Months after David Martin’s passing, Shonta dedicated this installation piece to her late grandfather. It includes a self portrait of Shonta, a Memorial Portrait in honour of David as well as collaborative work they worked on together.
Native Youth Program (Museum of Anthropology UBC) -
Scanned ballpoint pen drawings
Presented August 2019
Prior to Shonta’s development into digital art, she did traditional ballpoint pen or pencil drawings. Working at the Museum of Anthropology in UBC she had learned about scanning her art to digitalize it. The Native Youth Program created zines, podcasts and art prints in light of the programs 40th anniversary. Shonta enjoyed her time working at the Native Youth Program, strengthening her relationship with other indigenous youth and her aunty Pam Brown.
The first image is Carnegie in Vancouvers Downtown Eastside during Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womens Awareness Week.
The second image is one of Shonta’s first attempts at Coastal Formline . It features a mountain, a tree, the sun and an ocean .
City Of Vancouver- Balmoral Demolition Healing Ceremony Mural
Presented August 2023
This mural is located at the Hotel Balmoral, 159 E Hastings. Shonta was picked by the City of Vancouver along with another youth to participate in a mentorship for this Mural. Shonta’s community supported her in getting this position, praising her for commitment to both her art and her participation in the community to the organizers. The City Of Vancouver held a Healing Ceremony in light of the Hotel Balmoral’s Demolition on August, 26th 2023 which is when the mural was first unveiled. The Demolition was heavily opposed by community who called for a thorough search of the site for Missing or Murdered.
Vines Art Festival ‘’Wanaxws-tumi I have much respect for you”- Vinyl Installation
Presented July- August 2023
‘’There has been a lot of talk going on about the importance of being respectful as a way to silence and oppress people. Another important value being co-opted and losing its meaning.” In Shonta’s life, she has experienced that we learn about respect with those who have come before us or whom we experience this life with. Shonta dedicated this piece to her family, who she values deeply and loves
Custom Clothing- Carhartt Rain Defender Pull Over Hoodie
Created October 2023
This is an example of custom clothing design that Shonta has previously worked on. Personalized for her husband Isaiah Campbell as a gift, this sweater boasts designs on not only the front or back but the sleeves. There are many different named and off named brands to chose from for personalized designed clothing.